Workshop 1cBest Practice in European Advertising for FTTH products
Organised by FTTH Council Europe P&R Committee, OpenFiber, SIRO and City Fibre
The Policy and Regulation Committee within the FTTH Council Europe engaged a study partner (WIK) through a competitive tender to create a synopsis of Best Practice in European Advertising for FTTH products. Advertising in European markets is regulated by National Advertising Bodies (NABs) but NABs are not responsible for telecom policy and are not motivated to promote industrial or telecom policy. National regulators and other national bodies on the other hand are responsible for policy in this sector and those bodies may be better placed to identify and address these issues.
The workshop will help the Council to present the outcomes of the study into this problem and in particular to present those options deployed by European Member States to prevent fibre demand suppression through misleading advertising and identify the most effective measures.
2 December 2020 14:00-14:05 Session
2 December 2020 14:05-14:35 Session
Presentation of study by WIK for the FTTH Council Europe on Identifying European Best Practice in Fibre Advertising
2 December 2020 14:35-15:28 Session
Creating the right environment to enable full fibre demand in the UK, Alex Blowers, Director of Regulatory Affairs, City Fibre
The Italian case: a colour-coded revolution. Problem solved? Edoardo Fagiolini, European Affairs Specialist, Open Fiber
Removing copper from fibre advertising – the Irish experience, Alex French, Head of Product and Customer Analytics, SIRO
2 December 2020 15:28-15:30 Session
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