Cara Schwarz-Schilling

General Manager and Director | WIK Wissenschaftliches Institut für Infrastruktur und Kommunikationsdienste GmbH |

Dr Cara Schwarz-Schilling is Director of WIK GmbH and Chairwoman of the Management Board of WIK GmbH and WIK-Consult GmbH since January 2020. Prior to this, she worked for the Federal Network Agency for over 20 years, most recently as Chairwoman of the Ruling Chamber serving as the National Dispute Settlement Body implementing the Broadband Cost Reduction Directive.  As an expert, she was involved in analysing and regulating various network sectors, with a focus on Gigabit networks and the internet, and also held leading positions in national and international regulatory bodies (BEREC). She has shaped the international debate on digitisation. At WIK she oversees a wide range of research projects and studies. Her current work at WIK includes fibre roll-out, in-building infrastructure, open access, universal service, as well as copper-fibre migration, – also as a member of the Federal Network Agency’s Gigabitforum. Dr Schwarz-Schilling is a Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the German Federal Network Agency BNetzA, member of the high level Gigabitforum of the BNetzA and a Member of the Executive Board of the Münchner Kreis – a Supranational Association for Communications Research.


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